Don't Wait Too Long

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After working with the SWR band on a number of projects, Paul and his producers had the idea to find and record a selection of these time-warped classics, some well-known, others not so much, and the title track, a modern song that harks back to those times called 'Don't Wait Too Long.

The result is an impassioned, compelling album. Honest, epic, touching, the album showcases a great vocalist who is at home with his art and talent.

  1. I'll Always Be In Love With You
  2. Don't Wait Too Long
  3. Cryin Won't Help You
  4. Don't Let The Sun Catch You Cryin
  5. Ain't Nothing You Can Do
  6. Question
  7. The Only Thing Missing Is You
  8. Got To Get You Off My Mind
  9. The Frim Fram Sauce
  10. Trust In Me
  11. Bring It On Home To Me
  12. Next Time You See Me